Acquiring an investor

How does the process of acquiring an investor proceed?
In the process of acquiring a partner for further development of the organisation, we place particular emphasis on defining the terms of cooperation between the new partners and on issues related to the exit strategy.
1. Preparing a company for the investor acquisition process

Drafting a strategy for investor acquisition.
Analiza firmy i przygotowanie modelu finansowego.
Preparation of materials for presentation to potential investors, including a teaser and information memorandum.
2. Identification and acquisition of potential financial or strategic investors

Compiling a long list of potential investors.
Sending out teasers and invitations to participate in the process.
Zebranie podpisanych NDA od inwestorów potwierdzających wstępne zainteresowanie.
Rozesłanie memorandum informacyjnego do inwestorów, którzy podpisali NDA.
Organizacja spotkań z zainteresowanymi inwestorami.
Selection of investors who will participate in the later stages of the process and invitation to due diligence.
List of investors, sending out teasers, distributing the memorandum, meetings with investors, non-binding offers, selection of investors for due diligence.
3. Due diligence

Preparing for the due diligence process, including collecting relevant information and data.
Spotkania kadry zarządzającej z przedstawicielami inwestorów biorącymi udział w badaniu due diligence.
Question and answer session.
4. Negotiations and conclusion of the investor acquisition process.

Collection and analysis of binding offers.
Selection of the preferred investor.
Podpisanie dokumentacji transakcyjnej (PSPA + SHA).
Binding offers, investor selection.
Post-sales phase, e.g. earn-out settlement.
The role of a transaction advisor in the process of acquiring an investor for a company