Acquiring an investor

Attracting an investor is a multi-faceted process in which proper preparation and involvement of the company's owners play a huge role. What is at stake is not only access to new capital or know-how, but above all the acquisition of a partner who, like the existing owners, will strive to continuously build value and dynamic development of the company.

Our services include organisation and comprehensive support for the process of acquiring an investor for a minority or majority stake. We create a space in which the company owners and the best suited investors who meet the established criteria meet. In each transaction process we focus on maximising benefits and minimising risks.

How does the process of acquiring an investor proceed?

In the process of acquiring a partner for further development of the organisation, we place particular emphasis on defining the terms of cooperation between the new partners and on issues related to the exit strategy.

1. Preparing a company for the investor acquisition process

1. Preparing a company for the investor acquisition process

Drafting a strategy for investor acquisition.

Analiza firmy i przygotowanie modelu finansowego.

Preparation of materials for presentation to potential investors, including a teaser and information memorandum.

2. Identification and acquisition of potential financial or strategic investors

2. Identification and acquisition of potential financial or strategic investors

Compiling a long list of potential investors.

Sending out teasers and invitations to participate in the process.

Zebranie podpisanych NDA od inwestorów potwierdzających wstępne zainteresowanie.

Rozesłanie memorandum informacyjnego do inwestorów, którzy podpisali NDA.

Organizacja spotkań z zainteresowanymi inwestorami.

Selection of investors who will participate in the later stages of the process and invitation to due diligence.

List of investors, sending out teasers, distributing the memorandum, meetings with investors, non-binding offers, selection of investors for due diligence.

3. Due diligence

3. Due diligence

Preparing for the due diligence process, including collecting relevant information and data.

Spotkania kadry zarządzającej z przedstawicielami inwestorów biorącymi udział w badaniu due diligence.

Question and answer session.

4. Negotiations and conclusion of the investor acquisition process.

4. Negotiations and conclusion of the investor acquisition process.

Collection and analysis of binding offers.

Selection of the preferred investor.

Podpisanie dokumentacji transakcyjnej (PSPA + SHA).

Binding offers, investor selection.

Post-sales phase, e.g. earn-out settlement.

The role of a transaction advisor in the process of acquiring an investor for a company


Our activities are focused on the main objective of the process, i.e. matching the company with a business partner who will meet the expectations defined together with the client.

Piotr Stobiecki, PhD - CEO CMT Advisory

One of the largest M&A teams in Poland

dr Piotr Stobiecki
dr Piotr Stobiecki

He oversees a team responsible for the implementation of M&A transaction processes, especially projects involving the sale of businesses and the acquisition of investors. He also provides support in the area of corporate governance.

Doctor of Economics, for many years an academic in the Department of Investment and Capital Markets at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. Co-founder and CEO of CMT Advisory. Member of supervisory boards in numerous capital companies.

dr hab. Maciej Stradomski, prof. UEP
dr hab. Maciej Stradomski, prof. UEP

He supervises and supports the team implementing projects related to company restructuring. He also specialises in corporate finance, corporate governance and M&A transactions, especially offering advice on acquisition strategies and obtaining financing.

With a post-doctoral degree in Finance, he is a lecturer and professor of the Poznań University of Economics and Business, where he heads the Department of Investment and Capital Markets. For years, he has been involved in banking, private equity and advisory industry. Co-founder and Board Member of CMT Advisory. He is a member of numerous supervisory boards of capital companies. Director of the Program Council of the Family Business Institute.

dr Dariusz Zawadka
dr Dariusz Zawadka

Responsible for the supervision and implementation of projects relating to mergers and acquisitions, e.g. providing advisory services to the selling and the buying parties. Specialist in ownership buy-outs, company valuations and financial modelling.

Doctor of Finance Sciences, for a long time assistant professor at the Department of Investment and Capital Markets of the Poznań University of Economics and Business. He has also studied at Harvard University and London School of Economics. Stockbroker eligible for offering investment advisory services. A former lecturer in the Stock Exchange School of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Paweł Łągwa
Paweł Łągwa

He implements M&A transaction processes, where he provides advice both to sellers and buyers. He specialises in finding investors, negotiations and corporate finance. His field of expertise includes projects related to company and asset valuations as well as shareholder buyouts.

He has been involved in the advisory sector since his studies at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. Currently, he is a Partner at CMT Advisory and a supervisory board member at Decomonkey Sp. z o.o. and STX Next Sp. z o.o.

dr Przemysław Grobelny, CFA
dr Przemysław Grobelny, CFA

He is responsible for corporate finance, cooperation with financial institutions and M&A transactions. He supports entrepreneurs in financial planning, establishing market values of key assets and implementing supervisory systems and recovery plans. His areas of activity also include preparing expert evidence for court and arbitration disputes and financial advisory in restructuring proceedings.

Active in the financial advisory sector for over a decade. A graduate of the Poznań University of Economics and Business (with specialisations in Investment and Real Estate Management and Capital Investment and Corporate Financial Strategies) and studied at Athens University of Economics and Business. Doctor of Finance since 2018 and holder of the prestigious international professional title of a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Maciej Zając
Maciej Zając

A CMT Advisory Partner supervising and implementing projects in the area of M&A transactions as an advisor to the selling or the buying party. He also provides economic consultancy advice and supports in restructuring and reorganisation of enterprises, e.g. composition and sanative proceedings.

He has been gaining competence in the consulting industry since his Master’s studies at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. In the meantime, he has completed doctoral studies in the Department of Investment and Capital Markets at this very university.

Marta Latoń (Pszczółkowska)
Marta Latoń (Pszczółkowska)

Responsible for the implementation of M&A transaction projects, including advice on investment and divestment processes on the private market (acquisition and sale of businesses). Her activities moreover include valuation of enterprises and intangible assets, e.g. trademark valuation, as well as valuation of debt instruments (bonds).

As of her student years linked with the advisory sector and CMT Advisory. A graduate of the Poznań University of Economics and Business, specialising in Capital Investments and Corporate Financial Strategies. At present she works on the final exam towards obtaining the prestigious CFA title (Chartered Financial Analyst).

Karolina Kawka
Karolina Kawka

Offers support on financial modelling, budgeting and valuation of companies and their assets. She also carries out projects concerning M&A transactions, preparing opinions for commercial disputes, carrying out asset impairment tests, and corporate governance.

She has been involved in the consulting industry since her student days. A graduate of the Poznań University of Economics and Business with a specialisation in Capital Investments and Corporate Financial Strategies.

dr Mateusz Mikutowski
dr Mateusz Mikutowski

He supports entrepreneurs in M&A transaction processes on the buyer’s or seller’s side.

His activities include moreover valuation of intangible and legal assets, valuation of debt portfolios and creation of financial models.

He has been gaining experience in the consultancy industry since his student days. He gained his Ph.D. degree in the field of economics and finance at the Department of Investment and Financial Markets of Poznań University of Economics

Michał Malarski
Michał Malarski

Provides support in the areas of M&A transactions, valuation of companies and their assets, and restructuring consultancy. He worls on projects regarding sale and purchase transactions of enterprises, valuations and drafting specialist economic opinions. A member of the team responsible for restructuring processes.

He started working for CMT Advisory still as a student at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, from which he graduated, specialising in Capital Investments and Financial Strategies of Enterprises. Currently he is preparing for the third stage of the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exam.

Jakub Multański
Jakub Multański

He carries out corporate finance projects, where he performs valuations of companies and intangible assets and prepares economic opinions for commercial disputes. A member of the M&A transactions team.

He started working for CMT Advisory still as a student at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, from which he graduated with a specialisation in Capital Investments and Corporate Financial Strategies.

Konrad Marciniak
Konrad Marciniak

A member of the Corporate Finance team which supports entrepreneurs in projects concerning reorganisation of the business structure, enterprise restructuring and M&A processes, including preparation of business due diligence for entities planning acquisitions (investment profitability analysis).

He became involved in the consultancy sector as early as a student. A graduate of the Poznań University of Economics and Business, specialising in Banking and in Private Finance Management. Currently he is preparing for the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) professional exams.

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