Asset impairment tests under IAS 36
CMT’s practice shows that many public companies create capital groups consisting of subsidiaries and affiliates. Moreover, over the years other entities are taken over, acquisitions are made as well as in-kind contributions or transfers, as a result of which their reports disclose goodwill, trademarks, licenses, patents and other intangible assets. All of the assets listed above must undergo an impairment test.

When is an asset impairment test performed?
The obligation to carry out an asset impairment test is imposed by International Accounting Standard 36. According to IAS 36, the test should be prepared for:
any goodwill resulting from an acquisition of a company,
value of shares or interests in subsidiaries or affiliates,
An impairment test of intangible assets having an indefinite useful life and an impairment test of goodwill should be performed annually, even if there are no indications of the impairment of these assets.
CMT’s team has many years of experience in preparing impairment tests of goodwill, shares and interests, and intangible assets for public companies and family-owned enterprises. We will help identify the need and efficiently prepare the necessary documentation in accordance with the highest standards.
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