Sell-side advisory

Main activities in the company sale process
There are several key stages in the process of selling a business All require a number of deliberate actions. In the approach presented here we have used a division into four phases. However, it is worth bearing in mind that there is also a whole range of activities we suggest that entrepreneurs should perform even before the sale begins.
1. Organising the transaction process

Preparing a strategy of a company sale.
Analiza przedsiębiorstwa i sporządzenie modelu finansowego.
Preparation of materials for presentation to potential investors, including a teaser and information memorandum.
2. Attracting potential investors (our membership in the international AICA network gives us the ability to attract international investors)

Compiling a long list of potential investors.
Sending out teasers and invitations to participate in the transaction process.
Zebranie podpisanych NDA od inwestorów potwierdzających wstępne zainteresowanie.
Rozesłanie memorandum informacyjnego do inwestorów, którzy podpisali NDA.
Organizacja spotkań z zainteresowanymi inwestorami.
Selection of investors who will participate in the later stages of the transaction process and invitation to due diligence.
List of investors, sending out teasers, distributing the memorandum, meetings with investors, non-binding offers, selection of investors for due diligence.
3. Preparing for the due diligence process, including collecting relevant information and data.

Due diligence conducted by selected investors.
Spotkania kadry zarządzającej z przedstawicielami inwestorów biorącymi udział w badaniu due diligence.
Question and answer session.
4. Negotiations and contract signature

Collection and analysis of binding offers.
Selection of the preferred investor.
Podpisanie dokumentacji transakcyjnej (PSPA + SHA).
Binding offers, investor selection.
Post-sales phase, e.g. earn-out settlement.
The role of a transaction advisor in the process of selling a company - selected issues